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At The Business of Charity, we understand the vital role nonprofits play in driving positive change within communities. Founded with a passion for facilitating their growth and impact, our mission is to equip organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to secure vital funding and operate sustainably.


With years of experience in the nonprofit sector, we specialize in grant writing services tailored to your organization's unique needs. From crafting compelling proposals to navigating complex application processes, we're dedicated to maximizing your chances of success in securing crucial funding.

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Unlock Funding Opportunities for Your Organization:
Grant Writing Services by The Business of Charity. Whether you're a nonprofit or a for-profit business, we're here to help you secure the financial support you need to thrive.

Unlocking Opportunities: Navigating Grants for Small Businesses Pre and Post Pandemic
Prior to 2020, there were few grants, especially start-up and operation funding, for small businesses. The CoViD-19 Pandemic saw the release of government funding and corporate grants for businesses like never before. During the pandemic, Patrina and her team successfully secured PPP, EIDL, and grants for business entities seeking this funding.  Post-pandemic, BOC continues to assist business owners with grant and proposal writing. Schedule a call with the BOC Team to learn how we can assist you obtain grant funding.

You must raise money to fund your mission, and often you want grants, but is your organization ready? Review this checklist to determine your grant readiness.


We’re here to help you focus on formation, education, capacity-building, grant and proposal writing so that your organization is not only fundable, but sustainable.

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The Business of Charity
Phone: (832) 786-9958
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